Simple Setup Process For Rockspace AC1200

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rockspace ac1200

To make the rockspace extender ready, you must do the Rockspace AC1200 setup first. You can choose any method from the WPS, web setup, and WiFi app portal to do that easily. But, you will require to get familiar with the setup process. So, use this blog information and perform the process later within a few minutes and with less effort.

WPS Setup For Rockspace Extender

In the first setup process, you can utilize the extender’s WPS button, which will take only a few efforts. Place the rockspace extender and router at a minimal distance and plug them into the power sockets. Check the working of both devices and press the WPS buttons as well. Keep in mind to check the WPS light indications on those devices while doing the process. As both devices must show the ideal signs with stable lights on the panels. This means the Rockspace AC1200 setup process is complete.

Web-Based Setup Method For Extender

In any case, if you aren’t able to do the WPS process or your existing router does not have a WPS button, choose another way. In this process, there will be a requirement to use the networked device’s web browser to access the setup portal. So, make your device networked by connecting it to the extender network and launching any web browser on it. Make sure to choose the updated web browser and clear the caches and cookies of it.

Once you are done with those points, insert the extender’s default web or IP address into the search field. As a result, you will be redirected to the login window which will prompt you to fill in the username and password. You can use admin for both credentials, this is the default login details for almost every product. After logging in, choose the network from the list that you want to configure and click on the extend button after inserting the password.

App Setup For Rockspace Extender

Apart from those setup processes, you can opt to use the app setup approach for your extender setup. To perform this process, you will need to install the app before installing the extender. So, get the Rockspace official WiFi app on your device. Use the Google Play Store if you have an Android mobile or for your iOS device, use the Apple App Store.

After getting the app on your preferred mobile, open it for the further process. Here you will also require to log in like with the web setup method, use the login details, and click on the app’s terms and conditions also. Soon, the setup page will start appearing on your device’s screen. Choose the extender official network from the list and extend it after inserting its password.

Thus, these are the setup points of all processes that you can try out to configure your AC1200 extender. If still, you are looking for more help, then get in touch with our technical experts for more help.

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