You may configure your Rockspace WiFi extender in one of two ways. Either the WPS button or a web browser may be used for that. Let’s begin with the WPS approach.
WPS Configuration of a Rockspace Wi-Fi Extender;
Using the Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS) button, you may use this technique to expand your Wi-Fi network. If your router has a WPS button, it should be marked “WPS” on your router. The absence of the button indicates that your router lacks it (so you will need to use the second method that will be discussed later in the post to extend your Wi-Fi network).
A Rockspace Wi-Fi Extender’s Configuration
Step 1: In the first step, connect your Rockspace wifi Extender to a power source (plug it near the router in the same room). After that, wait a little while for the PWR LED to become completely blue. Ensure that the device’s antenna is facing up and vertical to the ground.
Step 2: Press and hold the WPS button on your router for roughly two minutes before pressing the WPS button on your Rockspace WiFi extender as well. Then watch for the extender’s Signal LED to become solid blue.
Step 3: Reposition the extender and link your Wi-Fi-enabled gadgets.
Connect the extender to an outlet located midway between the router and the Wi-Fi dead zone for optimal performance. However, confirm that the place you choose is accessible through your current Wi-Fi network.
Wait a moment for the Signal LED to become completely blue. When it does, join it with your Wi-Fi-enabled devices. The SSID of your extender is the SSID of your Wi-Fi router with the prefix _EXT/5GEXT. And your Wi-Fi router’s password also works.
Using a web browser to configure your Rock Space Wi-Fi Extender;
As previously indicated, there is another way to install a Rockspace Wi-Fi Extender. You should attempt this strategy if the previous one didn’t work for you.
Step 1: In the same room as the router, plug the device into a power outlet and wait for the PWR LED to become solid blue.
Step 2: Join the extender’s wireless network, rockspace EXT, using your WiFi-enabled device. But make sure any mobile data is turned off. Enter http://rerockspace local in the address bar of your web browser now. Additionally, you may utilize and set up a login password for future tries.
Choose the Wi-Fi network you wish to expand after that. When the “Extended Successfully!” window opens, enter the network password and wait a minute.
Step 3: Reposition the extender and link your Wi-Fi-enabled gadgets.
Connect the extender to an outlet located midway between the router and the Wi-Fi dead zone for optimal performance. However, confirm that the place you choose is accessible through your current Wi-Fi network.
Wait a moment for the Signal LED to become completely blue. When it does, join it with your Wi-Fi-enabled devices. The SSID of your extender is the SSID of your Wi-Fi router with the prefix _EXT/5GEXT. And your Wi-Fi router’s password also works.
Answers to Frequently Asked Questions about the Rock Space Wi-Fi Extender;
I need to reboot my Rock Space Wi-Fi Extender.
Activate the gadget first. Press and hold the RESET button when the PWR LED is on after you’ve found a paper clip or other sharp object. For about 5 to 6 seconds, press it down, then release.
After then, the PWR LED will turn on firmly once again. Once it is turned on firmly, your Rock Space Wi-Fi extender has been successfully reset.
Why am I unable to access the web interface of the Wi-Fi Extender?
Here’s how to fix this issue:
- Make sure any Wi-Fi devices you’re using are off and connected to the extender rockspace EXT Wi-Fi network.
- Make that your computer is set up to automatically get an IP address and a DNS server address, and that you are connected to the extender’s Wi-Fi network, rockspace EXT, if you are using one. Now that the Wi-Fi extender has been reset, try it once again.
What should I do if my Rockspace Wi-Fi Extender is unable to join the wireless network connected to my router?
The router’s potential WEP or WPA/WPA (Enterprise) encryption is often to blame for this. After switching your router’s encryption type to WPA-PSK or WPA2-PSK, try scanning once again. This time, it should be able to find your router’s Wi-Fi network.
What should I do if my Wi-Fi extender picks up another signal but not mine?
This might mean that the same area is sending your mobile device a poor signal. Therefore, verify to confirm. Additionally, make sure the WEP encryption on the superior router is on.
Why does using a Wi-Fi extender slow down my network?
Check the condition of the indicator first. The Wi-Fi extender is getting a strong enough signal when the color is solid blue (above -60db).
If it is fully red or has no light at all, the intensity is decreased. In such case, you need to move your Wi-Fi extender a little closer while ensuring sure the antenna is pointed vertically up and upward at the ground.
What should I do if, after the extender, I lose internet connectivity?
Check the extender’s effectiveness first. Both the indicator light and the administrative interface should be able to let you know what’s happening.
- Disconnect and rejoin the internet-less gadget to see whether it is accessible.
- Consider moving the Wi-Fi extender to a new location if a poor signal is the cause of the problem.
- Once the signal has joined, check to see whether the router has assigned the SSID for the Wi-Fi extender.
- Reset the Wi-Fi extender and try a different Wi-Fi signal.
How can I determine whether the extender is working?
Verify that the Wi-Fi extender’s SSID is still configured using the factory settings. In such situation, the extender was unsuccessful.
So that you can clearly view the indicator and assess its exact color condition, make the room a little bit darker.
Log into the Wi-Fi extender’s interface to see whether the extended status is expanded. If the extender is successful, you may next want to place the antenna in an upright, upward-facing position. If it doesn’t, consider changing the angle.
Check to see whether the indicator becomes solid blue by moving the router and Wi-Fi extender closer together.
The Verdict
This is how the Rockspace WiFi Extender may now be set up. If there are problems during or after the setup, reset the device and try again. Yes, rebooting the device usually fixes many issues, including a slow network.