There are many reasons why you can’t do the re.rockspace.local setup process. To resolve this issue we will provide you with some solutions and tips to fix the Rockspace WiFi range extender configuration issues. Read this entire page carefully.
Causes Why You Face Issues During Setup
- The distance between the router and the extender device is maximum.
- Unused gadgets connected to the Rockspace extender network.
- Due to the damaged ethernet cable.
- The software of the Rockspace extender device is outdated.
- Due to overheating of the Rockspace extender device.
How To Resolve Extender Setup Issue
There are many ways by which you can easily and quickly fix the Rockspace WiFi range extender issue.
Power-Cycle Rockspace Extender
- To begin this method, turn off your router by pushing the power button.
- After that, remove the Rockspace extender’s power plug from the power socket.
- Now, wait for a short while.
- Next, turn on back your Rockspace extender device.
- In the end, put back the Rockspace extender power plug into the power socket.
Enhance Rockspace WiFi Range Extender Software
To enhance the Rockspace WiFi range extender software, consider lower steps.
- First, visit the Rockspace Extender web management page.
- After that, look for the administration option and then hit on the software upgrade option.
- If you see the latest version of the software file then download it on your phone.
- Hence by doing this, the Rockspace WiFi range extender software is successfully improved.
- First, look at the back side of the Rockspace extender device. There you can easily find the reset button.
- Now, push that button with the help of a paper clip.
- By doing this, all the Rockspace extender device LEDs will turn off.
- As it means, your rockspace extender device is now completely reset.
- First, put the Rockspace extender device power plug in the power socket.
- After that wait for a few minutes and take the WiFi-containing gadget.
- Now, connect that Wi-Fi-containing gadget to the Rockspace extender network.
- Next, open the navigation and enter re.rockspace.local web portal in the address bar.
- Later, fill in all the login details such as username and password, which are shown on the display page.
- First, place your rockspace extender device closer to the router.
- Now, push the WPS button of the rockspace extender and within 10 to 15 seconds punch the existing router WPS button.
- By doing this, a solid WPS LED starts blinking solid on both the extender and router gadget.
- Hence, your Rockspace extender device successfully linked with each other.
Reset Rockspace Extender Device
After trying the above methods, if the issue is not resolved then try this final method.
Note: After the reset method, you will need to do the re.rockspace.local setup process again.
Access Rockspace Extender Login Page
Rockspace WiFi Range Extender Configuration
The WiFi-protected setup method is a very easy and straightforward way to configure the Rockspace WiFi range extender device
As of now with the help of this page now you will be able to resolve the Re.rockspace.local setup issues. As well as you’ll also learn the perfect way to do the login and setup processes.