Setup Solutions Of Rockspace Extender

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rockspace extender setup

Extenders are important for increasing internet speed. But, users are facing slow internet speed because of the Rockspace extender setup in an inappropriate way. No issues, we will explain five mistakes that you should avoid while installing your extender.

What Do Wireless Extenders Do?

Wireless extenders play a vital role in everyone’s life. We can’t do anything without it, because the extender acts like a bridge between the devices and internet signals. But, sometimes people face slow internet or other issues because they made mistakes during the setup of their Rockspace extender.

Place Your extender In A Good Location

Don’t put your wifi extender in a hidden place like the backroom, basement, cabinets, or on the floor. Many more objects become problems if you do not place your extender in a better place. A better place means where your extender can get high signals. Building materials also can reduce the strength of wireless signals.

Walls can disturb the wireless extenders. Wireless signals can be blocked by dense objects and obstructions. That’s why don’t put your extender near a thick brick wall or any walls. If you want to get good signals throughout the home then locate your Rocspace extender in the central location on your premises. It is the best place where your devices can connect to the WiFi network easily.

The Electric Outlet Must Be Working

Be careful while putting the cable in the extender. As when we put the cable in the electric outlet we never check that. Though, it can be a major problem. It will take care of the connectivity problem investigation time. The electric outlet test will help you find a reliable electricity-supplying extension. Testing will also enable you to identify any problems you may have fast and correctly.

Connect The Ethernet Wire Properly

The Ethernet cable is the basic part of your internet connection. Sometimes we face slow internet problems but do not check the cable. Check it and plug the wire tightly. Sometimes we see that the wire gets damaged very soon because of overheating. So, make sure to change the wire as it will cause issues like, it will break the signals. Which will make the internet connection fail so often.

Update The Firmware

Simply make sure the extender is not up to date, and update your firmware as frequently as possible. As it can consume your bandwidth and disperse your network widely. It will turn into a big problem of slow internet and safety.

These errors won’t cost you much, but you can achieve a better wifi connection and high internet speeds. So use the latest firmware version of the extender, it will help you get high-speed internet at your home and office.

Whenever people set up their wireless extenders, they make mistakes that they are also not aware of which leads to a reduction in the strength of wireless signals. So, if you are also one of those facing slow internet issues. Follow the above instructions attentively, for Rockspace Extender Setup.

Disclaimer:- website is for the customers, seeking technical help and technological assistance for WiFi extenders, routers and WiFi networks. However, we do not have any endorsement , alliance or affiliation with any brands neither direct nor indirect. All the images, brand names, product models, logos are only for illustrative purposes. Guidelines provided in the website are solely for informational purposes. Neither a guarantee nor an implied warranty is provided regarding the content available on the website.