If you are facing slow internet speed in all the corners of your office and house then don’t worry because we will offer you some solution tips. By following those tips you can easily extend the speed or range of existing router WiFi signals. Consider the lower tips.
Verify Your Cable Internet Connection
Prior to blaming the WiFi, make sure that the internet which comes into your house is performing well as it should. You can do this by joining the WiFi gadget such as a computer directly to the existing router with the help of an ethernet cable. In case your laptop or computer does not support an ethernet port then you will require a USB to ethernet adaptor.
Take a speed test to verify the internet speed. If the speed does not match with the internet plan then you will need to call your ISP to replace the router or modem.
If the speed matches the internet plan and you are facing slow internet speed then it is time to pony up the better plan.
Get Router Latest Software Version
Most of the time you can face slow internet speed due to the software being outdated. Consider the below steps to upgrade software.
- First, take the computer and make sure your computer must be attached to the Rockspace router network.
- Now, on your computer enter the default web address of your router.
- Next, fill in the details shown on your display page.
- After that, look for an administration option and then tap on the software upgradation process.
- In the end, if you see any software file then immediately install it on your laptop or computer.
Replace Or Change Router Antenna
If your existing router uses an internal antenna adding an external one will be a good idea. The omnidirectional antennas are best to offer a strong WiFi signal in all directions of your office and house or in one specific direction.
Acquire Rockspace Extender
Rockspace extender is a device that helps to extend the range of router WiFi signals. The installation and login process of the Rockspace WiFi range extender is so simple. To do the login and setup process, first know the benefits of the extender.
Benefits Of Rockspace Extender
- Increase the range of the Router WiFi signal in 5 minutes.
- The login and setup process is straightforward.
- Connect with any existing router.
- Easy to handle or carry anywhere or anyplace.
- At a reasonable price, you can buy it.
Log Into Rockspace Extender
- In the socket place the Rockspace extender power plug.
- Now, take the WiFi device and join it with the extender network.
- Next, open the navigation and enter the default web portal re.rockspace.local.
- After that, the Rockspace extender login page opens up on your computer display.
- Later, fill in the details shown on the page.
- In the end, tap on the login button to complete the login process.
Rockspace WiFi Range Extender Configuration
- Near the router place the power plug of the Rockspace WiFi range extender.
- After that, verify that your router has the WPS button.
- Now, push the WPS Button on both the router and extender device.
- Next, the WPS LED starts blinking solid.
- Thus, it means the router and extender are both successfully linked with each other.
After doing the Rockspace extender setup if you are facing trouble then consider the below solutions.
Fix Rockspace Login And Setup Issues
- Check that the extender and router are placed closer to each other.
- Upgrade extender software on time.
- Discard extra WiFi units which are not in use.
- Not located near metal or electronic gadgets.
- Reset the Rockspace extender to reset all factory default settings.
After reading this page, you will be able to extend the Router’s WiFi signal range by yourself with the help of the above tips. In my experience, the extender is the best way to increase the router signal range. If you want more information about Rockspace extender then try to ping our Rockspace team experts.